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Optimize your energy consumption and increase your efficiency with the help of our intelligent solutions .

Whether you manage a single facility or a global network, our solutions are for you

are adapted to your needs, ensuring the most appropriate performance at all levels.

Where can the IoT server be used.

Our solutions


Energy management systems for industry, buildings and industrial parks

  • Implementation of measurement data collection towards local or cloud-based systems.

  • Manufacturer-independent solution, any measurement can be fitted (Electricity, Gas, Water, Heat quantity, etc.)

  • Anomaly detection based on the application of Artificial Intelligence.

Target market: Automotive industry, food industry, electronics industry, processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, office buildings, shopping centers, banks.


Flexible Energy management

for companies and buildings

  • In addition to measurement data collection, intervention or regulation in the energy system based on production or consumption data (e.g. disconnection of consumers - air conditioners)

  • Implementation of regulation or control functions based on the application of Artificial Intelligence.

  • Interventions based on expected consumption data or energy market data.

Target market: Automotive industry, food industry, electronics industry, processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, office buildings, shopping centers, banks


Flexible Energy Management Solutions for Service Providers

  • Transmission of energy measurement data of solar parks and industrial parks to the central system.

  • Collection, control and regulation of measurement data of energy supply systems - solar system, electric car charger, storage - in a local or cloud-based solution.

Target market: Electricity providers, Aggregators, Industrial parks, Solar or Wind power plants.


Smart Factory solutions

  • Collection and transmission of production data to the company's management or production monitoring systems.

  • Recording of machine statuses, errors and transmission of this data.

Target market: Automotive industry, food industry, electronics industry, processing industry, pharmaceutical industry.


Remote management and monitoring

  • Remote monitoring of equipment operation using a cloud-based solution.

  • Remote control, intervention or modification of operating parameters.

  • Recording error signals and sending warnings about them.

Target market: Automotive industry, food industry, electronics industry, processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, office buildings, shopping centers, banks, nursing homes, data centers.


Smart Grid solutions

  • Remote monitoring of energy distribution systems using a cloud-based solution.

  • Transmission of measurement data to higher systems (EMS, SCADA, etc.)

  • Remote control, intervention or modification of operating parameters.

  • Recording error signals and sending warnings about them.

Target market: Electricity providers, Aggregators, Industrial parks, Solar or Wind power plants.


Contact us! 

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KONsys Kft. - All rights reserved © 2024, Tax number: 13477266-2-08, Company registration number: 08 09 012984

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